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Hope Vs. Cynicism: Which Engine Drives Your Persistence?

Persistence is often cited as an essential trait — not just for entrepreneurs, but in practically every aspect of life. We’ve all read stories about professional athletes whose persistence has played a significant role in their success. The ICMA actually says that persistence, along with integrity, are the two qualities leaders and employees need to have a distinguished career.

It’s importance is widespread when it comes to having impact in the world. Goals often require us to face challenges and setbacks. Persistence helps us navigate through these obstacles without giving up. It fosters resilience, allowing us to adapt, learn from mistakes, and continue progressing. Further, many goals require time before we see tangible results. Persistence helps us practice delayed gratification, allowing us to stay motivated even when progress is slow or invisible. And perhaps most importantly, we have to remember others are watching what and how we strive for important goals. Persistence can inspire those around us. When others see our determination and commitment, it can motivate them to pursue their own goals with similar dedication.


I Persist

I Persist, the biography of Dr. Patricia V. Smith, provides a firsthand perspective of Patricia’s incredible journey from the streets of Spanish Town, Jamaica, to becoming a highly successful entrepreneur.

Patricia experienced some of the most grueling and difficult things brought upon the life of a child. Her story highlights the value of persistence, the impact of abandonment, and the importance of willpower in the presence of continued adversity. Just imagine a child facing adversity, suffering, frustration, and hardship, digging deep for that spare tank of gas, exercising extraordinary courage, determination, and the will to live. That is the hallmark and tenet of the unique Finnish concept of Sisu.

Through perseverance and sheer determination, she escaped the horrors of the past and persisted to become the incredibly successful and powerful businesswoman she is today. This powerful story of persistence will inspire many people, especially women, who have come from and experienced less opportune circumstances. Patricia’s story inspires the will and hope that they too can emerge victorious.

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